Navigate Dataquest Ai — A Web3-native data platform called Navigate Protocol. It is completely changing that how training data gathered & made profitable. Supporting Big Investors Distributed Global and Kraken, Navigate seeks to establish a decentralized intelligence environment where users will earn profit from the data they contribute.
Navigate developing a novel platform that guaranteed customers retain, sovereignty over their data assets while gamifying the acquisition of superior training data. Integration of this big data gathering and decentralized physical infrastructure networks (DePIN), Navigate establishes a distinctive environment in which users take an active role in the data economy.
Navigate Dataquest Ai step-by-step Guide
1. Signup with Email Use Invite Code for Bonus: 989658
2. Confirm Email & Login & Download Extension & Connect
3. Go to profile & Connect Email & Twitter (X) Account.
4. Boost your Mining by Inviting others (Optional).
5. Fill this Form: CLICK HERE
5. Join our Telegram channel for upcoming updates.
Bookmark Hyper DAF for more potential Airdrops to maximise your earning with verified airdrops.
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Navigate-Dataquest Dashboard

How it works!
Navigate Rewards is a smart browser extension that runs quietly in the background, periodically opening a minimized browser window, collecting non-identifiable data while you browse. You choose which data sources to share—the more you share, the more you earn. We turn this data into rewards for you! Set it up once, and watch the points roll in with no extra effort required. Monitor your earnings in real-time through our user-friendly dashboard, and when you’re ready, redeem your points for gift cards at top retailers.
Read more: Pipe Network Node Mining Airdrop Guide